Microsoft edge linux now available users
Microsoft edge linux now available users

microsoft edge linux now available users microsoft edge linux now available users

Obviously, most of this browser's users are on Windows, but it's refreshing to know that it can be used on all major platforms.

microsoft edge linux now available users

In addition to Linux, Microsoft Edge is also available on Android, iOS, and macOS. The new release comes in the same format as the one previously provided on the Microsoft Edge Insider website, namely. In the worst-case scenario, the first stable version comes with full support at least for the same distros. Silently introduced by Microsoft on its website, Edge for Linux (at least in its initial release) supported Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and openSUSE. Now, the time has come for the first stable version of Microsoft Edge for Linux to go live. Two years later and about one year after the introduction of the first Windows and macOS betas of the Chromium-based Edge browser, the first public preview of the Linux version arrived as well. Sudo mv /etc//_yumrepos_edge.repo /etc//microsoft-edge-beta.In late 2018, Microsoft announced the switch to a Chromium-based web browser and also confirmed that Edge would also be available on additional platforms. Sudo apt update & sudo apt install microsoft-edge-beta Arch Linux yay -S microsoft-edge-beta-bin Fedora sudo rpm -import Sudo sh -c 'echo "deb stable main" > /etc/apt//microsoft-edge-dev.list' Sudo install -o root -g root -m 644 microsoft.gpg /etc/apt// If you prefer to install software from the command line, just copy/paste the following commands into your terminal: Debian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint curl | gpg -dearmor > microsoft.gpg How to install Microsoft Edge beta on Linux If everything goes according to the plan, the first stable build of Microsoft Edge Linux could be released later this year. The Beta channel receives major changes every six weeks. It gives users a chance to see some of the new features coming to Microsoft Edge before the browser has cleared for a stable release. While the Dev channel is updated every week with new features and bugs, beta is the second most stable branch.

microsoft edge linux now available users

Microsoft Edge Beta also adds support for the sync feature, which means users can now sync their passwords, extensions and other settings to the Linux version. The beta brings the new features and tools for users as the tech giant looks to claw back market share from rivals like Chrome and Firefox. rpm packages for Ubuntu / Debian and Fedora / openSUSE. Microsoft announced that Edge Beta is now available for Linux as .deb and. Since then, the company has been updating the browser every week with new features and bug fixes. In October 2020, the Software giant announced the first Edge Dev build for Linux. These days, Microsoft Edge is no longer exclusive to Windows 10. It has been built from the ground up and it was released for all platforms last year. Ahead of the big announcement, a beta version of the browser is now available for download. Microsoft Edge for Linux is set to launch in the stable channel later this year.

Microsoft edge linux now available users